We’re all the way down to the ultimate desk on the 2023 World Sequence of Poker Foremost Occasion. 9 gamers are left, and one in all them benefitted mightily from what may be the wildest hand of the event (even wilder than one we posted earlier within the week).

Josh Payne has a pair of Kings and raises. Jose Aguilera will get dealt pocket Queens and HE raises.

After which there’s Daniel Weinman. With over 29 million in chips, he might need thought his pair of Jacks was value calling with. He thought of it … and raised to all in!

That is some critical stress, though he doesn’t know he’s dealing with an uphill battle. Payne calls and Aguilera calls and WOW.

The flop? No assist to anybody. After which there’s the flip: IT’S A JACK! HOLY COW! Nothing comes out to assist on the river.

Weinman is now one of many remaining 9 on this event because of this: