Home Chess WIN in 8 Strikes Towards the Vienna Gambit | TRAPS for Black

WIN in 8 Strikes Towards the Vienna Gambit | TRAPS for Black

WIN in 8 Strikes Towards the Vienna Gambit | TRAPS for Black


July 2, 2023
2023-07-02 17:09

WIN in 8 Strikes Towards the Vienna Gambit | TRAPS for Black

In the present day I’m sharing with you some juicy chess opening traps for Black in opposition to the Vienna Gambit which occurs after the opening strikes: 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4.

As an alternative of accepting the gambit 3…exf4 which provides White initiative and a powerful management over the middle, you possibly can counter-attack White by enjoying 3…d5.

Watch the total video lesson to be taught among the most deadliest traps on this variation. In one of many strains, White is dropping in simply 8 strikes!

Beneath, yow will discover the variations proven within the video:



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