Aaron J. Fentress on Damian Lillard commerce: If the Blazers can come out of this with 4 first-round picks, at the very least one or two younger abilities, after which salary-filler, that ought to get it completed. I’m instructed that proper now, Miami has three firsts, Tyler Herro, filler and possibly a younger participant already [as their offer], like keen to go along with that. The query is discovering that fourth first-round choose. And in case you don’t need Herro, you simply have to seek out somebody to take Herro and provide you with one other first-round choose. You then’re at 4 firsts and at the very least one younger participant and wage filler, possibly even two younger gamers. I’m instructed it’s fairly shut, they only have to determine. They hadn’t actually spent a lot time working it out over the past couple of days. -via Apple Podcasts / July 13, 2023